The Power of the Horse
The other day, when we asked a client what he had felt when stroking and grooming one of our herd, he replied ‘Power’. He paused and then added ‘I felt his power transfer into me, and I felt powerful as well.’
Now, obviously horses are big powerful creatures. We know that some of our clients arrive with us feeling apprehensive and even frightened of the horses. Physically working with the horse is by invitation, it’s not mandatory and some clients will take a couple of sessions to process how they feel about the horse before they take the plunge.
The power of the horse is certainly in their physical presence. But we feel it’s so much more than that. The quiet acceptance of the horse and their ability to sense our feelings and emotions has a power way beyond the physical. Helen Keller wrote
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”.
In the work we do with clients we get to see and feel the power of the connection a horse can have with someone. A non-verbal, non-judgemental power that the horse gives freely, with no expectations or pressure on the client other than to feel the space.
We all marvel at the physical beauty and power of the horse- but the real power they have lies inside and through our work we get to connect people to that power. Poet, Sanober Khan wrote “Sometimes I think, I need a spare heart to feel all the things I feel.” Well, horses have big hearts, and they are willing to share – so why not give them a go.
If you want to know more about equine therapy, please call Annie on 0411 549562 or get in touch through the Contact page.