Put your wellbeing first

equine-assisted-learning-victoriaThe latest Australian Unity Wellbeing Index reveals the lowest wellbeing satisfaction ratings in 21 years. The Index measures how satisfied people are about their personal wellbeing and mental health. After years of lockdowns and economic uncertainty, we have emerged into a world of continuing uncertainty and concern. And it’s showing in our overall health.

Dr Jeannie Yoo, chief medical officer at Australian Unity believes that the uncertainty we experienced in the pandemic has continued to impact us post pandemic with a significant increase in overall stress, anxiety, and depression.

As we see the first signs of winter easing and the days get longer, it’s a great time to spend time outdoors and in nature. Our clients often stand in the silence of our property and just take in the view and the peace of the horses grazing. We know from their stories that life is very challenging at present. Many have experienced significant periods of distress and concern- often pushing them beyond the boundaries of their tolerance. Psychologist, Dan Siegel states that we all have a ‘window of tolerance’. If we are in the window, we feel safe and regulated- in control of our emotions and able to deal with the stresses of life. If we are outside the window, we can feel dysregulated and distressed. In order to relieve the distress, we may turn to unhealthy behaviours and practices.

Horses work hard to stay inside their window and we work with clients to help them understand the strategies the horses use to achieve this. 

So, take the time to focus on yourself and your wellbeing. As we say to all our clients-‘Be more horse’.

If you want to learn more about equine therapy, please call Annie on 0411 549562 or e mail her on annie@hamerequine.com

You also may like to check out a short video about what we do that ran on TV in early August.

