How Horses Offer Hope
During a break in a group session last week, we were debriefing the reactions participants had when engaging with our herd. One participant said that they had particularly connected with Red- the newest member of our herd. When asking what had forged the connection they said, ‘he’s strong but he’s careful.’
Careful was a word we hadn’t heard before and on asking for more explanation, the participant added, ‘ it’s like he’s aware of where we are and looks around to check where we are and makes sure we’re safe.’
Red, the horse in question is a large, bodied Quarter horse X. He’s a big guy with a big heart. But he has had a troubled past. We have Red on permanent lease from Project Hope- an organization who identify and rescue abused and neglected horses, rehabilitate them and then try to find them new homes. It can be hard for those of us who love horses to think of anyone harming this gentle giant- but it happened.
And when we reflect on it, we now see that care and careful are very apt words to describe Red. He has an amazing awareness when people are around him. He welcomes engagement but is steady and quiet when people stroke and brush him. He’s often the first horse to engage with new people. It’s as if he has a sixth sense that picks up what people are looking for.
Project Hope Horse Welfare Victoria is a registered charity. Visit their website to look over the tremendous work they do-
For more information on equine therapy, please call Annie on 0411 549562.