Be More Horse

hamer-equine-therapyOn a glorious winter’s morning, Racing. Com visited our Macedon Ranges property to shoot a short film for their Love the Horse series. This went to air on the 13th August, and we have been thrilled with the feedback we have received from those who have seen it.

In the film we looked to promote the key aspects of Equine Assisted Learning and how it helps clients. The key emerging theme was the power of acceptance that the horses demonstrate. For many people, young and old alike the genuine, non- judgemental acceptance of the horses may be the first time they have ever experienced such a response.

Once clients experience the power of acceptance if gives them confidence to try new things and explore their feelings. Clients discover the power they have within themselves. ‘I can’t do that’ becomes ‘I can do it’. ‘I’m not worth much’ becomes ‘I’m me, I’m worth it’.  

The film series that run is called Love the Horse and they explore different aspects of how horses play a role in our lives. Our herd behaved themselves impeccably on the day. The sun shone and there was no sign of the wet winter we have had. 

In looking to summarise our mantra on horses, Annie said ‘Be more horse’. Horses have a calm, accepting nature with no hint of guilt, shame, or judgement.  There is much we can learn from them.

If you wish to look at the film- please use the link below.


If you wish to find out more about Equine Assisted Learning, please call Annie on 0411549562 or email her on
