A Place to Call Home.

In this blog we want to introduce you to Redmond or [Big] Red as he’s affectionately known. Red is a rescue horse who came to us from Project Hope. Project Hope Horse Welfare Victoria (PHHWV)  is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming neglected or abused horses across Victoria. Their aim for every rescued horse they take on is to find them their ’forever perfect home’. 

Red has been with us for two years and we feel he is still learning to trust again. We suspect that Red has experienced some significant trauma in his life and as such we find he is incredibly sensitive to vulnerable people- displaying a powerful, unspoken sense of connection. If he could talk to us we like to feel that he might say something like the following.

‘I’ve had a very tough time of it in the past and I’m still trying to put those experiences and memories to rest. But I think I have found my place- somewhere where I’m valued and appreciated. The herd offers me security and belonging. I have learnt to accept my place in the pecking order and I feel I’ve slotted in well. I’m learning to trust again, and the companionship of the herd makes me feel safe and protected. Jenny is always watching out for us and I feel comfortable to relax and allow her to be in charge. There’s still quite a lot the others take in their stride that I find challenging. I don’t like anything being put into my mouth. I’m nervous of things I don’t understand- such as a being sprayed with the hose on a hot day. When the others go into the dam for a swim, I still can’t get myself to go in with them.  

But I’ve got a place I can call home; companions and I feel safe and wanted. I’ll settle for that.’ 

You can donate or become a member of Project Hope at www.phhwv.org.au

Just to let you know that we will be closing for the holiday period from end of day Friday 22nd December until morning of Wednesday 17th January 2024.

If you’d like to meet RED  (and the rest of our herd)  and learn more about equine assisted learning please call Annie on 0411 549562 or e mail her on annie@hamerequine.com

You may also like to check out a short video about us that ran on TV in early August.

